Wedding Centerpiece-Centre de table pour marriage

Here is a sculpture that I produced in the summer for my friends Patrick and Danielle's wedding. The process involved making a core out of aluminum foil and covering it with Magic Sculpt, an epoxy clay, until you have sculpted the form to your liking. All the carving was done with hand tools. It was then painted with acrylics and secured to the cigar-box base. All the lovely photographs were taken by my friend Caitlin Gilbert, who was also the wedding photographer.Voici une sculpture que j'ai produit durant l'été pour le marriage de mes amis, Patrick et Danielle. J'ai créé des formes en papier d'aluminium et j'ai couvert ces formes avec du Magic Sculpt, une argile à base d'époxy, juste à ce que j'aie obtenu les formes désirées. Tout le taillage a été fait en utilisant des outils à main. La sculpture a ensuite été peinte avec de l'acrylique, et a été collée et fixée sur une boîte de cigare, qui sert comme base. Tous les belles photos ont été prises par mon amie Caitlin Gilbert, qui était aussi la photographe pour le marriage.

I used photographs of the bride and groom to get their features. After getting the forms and faces to a good level of accuracy, I got to the painting part; it's at this stage that I got the chance to play around. For Pat, I was loosely inspired by Micheal Jackson outfits, using gold paint for the jacket and black and red combos for the details; as for Danielle, I was going for something really simple, light and shimmery, using interference green paint to color the dress. The glimmer of interference pigments can be mesmorizing to watch when they are properly lit.
Glue and screws to secure the charcacters to the box ( I don't every want them to come off!) A very special thanks to Aaron Chung for procuring all the little things (wood, screws, glue, tools) that allowed me to make this happen in time for the ceremony.

I now pronounce you husband and wife! Mouah-ha-ha!

Full view of the finished sculpture.

The sculpture became the centerpiece for a table filled with fancy doughnuts (Pat and Danielle planned this instead of having a cake, and it was a great success).
